The Better Approach to Helping Kids Realize Responsibility on Playgrounds

apologize for a mistake
You are sitting with your mommy friends, gossiping about trends and the other minor things that you desperately want to speak of but somehow can’t find an outlet. Suddenly you hear an echoing scream, you turn and it’s not your child in agony, it’s one of the precious youngsters of one of your mommy friends who are now staring at you, judging you for your parenting. You want to dig a hole and disappear in it forever. You do not want to deal with this, not again!


This happens to most parents. If your child usually gets caught doing things on the playground that he is not supposed to, then it’s time to have some talk. There are several essential things that your child should absolutely bear in mind while playing on the outdoor playground equipment in a community park. These things are:

  • A habit to say please and apologize for a mistake
  • Consideration of other children’s feelings
  • Patience on the playgrounds
  • Ability to tolerate other children’s bad behaviors

Realize Responsibility on Playgrounds

OK, I get it, you have tried it and it’s hard to make kids follow the rules. To make things easier for you, I have made a list of books that you will find helpful. See below:

  • Please and Thank You: A Pirate Pete and Princess Polly book
    Author: Amanda Li
  • Manners At Parties
    Author: Arianna Candell
  • Manners at the Park
    Author: Arianna Candell
  • Manners On Holiday
    Author: Arianna Candell
  • Manners in School
    Author: Arianna Candell
  • Say please, Louise!
    Author: Phil Roxbee Cox
  • How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?
    Author: Jane Yolen
  • Never Say No to a Princess!
    Author: Tracey Corderoy


  • Little Croc and Bird
    Author: Tony Maddox
  • Manfred the Baddie
    Author: John Fardell
  • I Don’t Care!: Learning About Respect
    Author: Brian Moses
  • Playing in the Park (Why Manners Matter)
    Author: Jillian Powell
  • At Home (Why Manners Matter)
    Author: Jillian Powell
  • Going Shopping (Why Manners Matter)
    Author: Jillian Powell
  • I Can Make a Difference: A First Look at Setting a Good Example
    Author: Pat Thomas
  • Everybody Matters: A First Look at Respect for Others
    Author: Pat Thomas
  • ATCHOO: The Complete Guide to Good Manners
    Author: Mij Kelly


  • Excuse Me!
    Author: Lisa Kopelke
  • How Should I Behave?
    Author: Mick Manning
  • Excuse Me: Learning About Politeness
    Author: Brian Moses
  • Little Princess – I Want My Dinner!
    Author: Tony Ross
  • The No-No Bird
    Author: Andrew Fusek Peters
  • Rude Rabbit
    Author: Jacqui Hawkins
  • Don’t Dip Your Chips in Your Drink, Kate
    Author: Caryl Hart
  • Do Unto Otters: A Book about Manners
    Author: Laurie Keller
  • Selfish Sophie
    Author: Damian Kelleher
  • Tissue, Please!
    Author: Lisa Kopelke
  • The Happy Book
    Author: Malachy Doyle
  • Lively Elizabeth
    Author: Mara Bergman

Mother and 2 years old baby boy kinder on the playground.

What do you to make sure your kid does not cross his limits while playing with the commercial playground equipment? Do you have a certain strategy? Share your opinion with us through our comment section below.

Is There a Such Thing Called Laptop Radiation?

So I came across an article the other day that highlighted the dangers of laptop radiation. As a screen junkie, I am used to sitting in front of my computer for countless hours. Sometimes I forgot how long I have been in front of my machine. So I looked up online to understand what harmful radiation is my body absorbing while I am at my machine playing candy crush or simply googling stuff out of sheer curiosity.

There is Such a Thing Called Computer/Laptop Radiation

Yep folks, for those who are not aware, here’s the biggest bad news, there is a thing called computer radiation and guess what it is being absorbed by your toddler’s body. Imagine that! I know your kid is having a great time and you are having a great time for your child is no longer bothering you and instead is glued to a device that generates ample radiation to damage the body tissues.

Laptop Radiation

Ok, no need to be alarmed just yet. We are going to talk about prevention in a moment. But before we go any further, let me enlighten you by the fact that laptops, computers, smartphones and any kind of screen based device produces EMF and gets absorbed by your body. The closer you are to the device, larger the radiation amount that enters your body. It’s a simple, common sense then, and you can easily prevent your child from taking in the radiation that may lead to substantial cell damage.

outdoor playground equipment

How Can We Protect Our Children?

I always talk about balance. When it comes to children, it is extremely crucial that you let them find a balance between activities. You probably have heard the rule “more breaks, less stakes”. All you need to do is to find a balance between activities so that children do not stay in front of a screen for more than 48 minutes. There is no prescribed number of hours that can be used as a parameter, but generally, according to various researches, it is better to allow kids to have only a couple hours of screen time.

commercial playground equipment

Here is a well-sorted list of things that you can do:

  • Make a timetable for kids. For example, allocated hours for active play with an outdoor playground equipment and specific hours for video games.
  • Make sure that the kids understand the timetable and act according to it.
  • Always keep an eye on children and their activities to make sure that they are not over utilizing the screen-based devices.
  • If you cannot keep track of your child’s activities, then hire a nanny or a guardian who can make sure that children do not spend unnecessary time in front of the laptop or computer screens.
  • Make sure that your child takes his time with his commercial playground equipment, or other play systems for that matter.

What is your strategy to keep children away from screen based devices? Are you taking any measures to protect children from the harmful radiation? Please share your opinion with us through our comment section below and help other parents.

Where to Take Your Kids This Weekend?

For the Folks in Washington County and Wicomico County, Maryland

Maryland is full of recreation centers that offer more than recreation; your child can have a place to experiment things with nature and learn myriad social skills on the playgrounds and with commercial playground equipment. In this article, I have accumulated the list of most fascinating recreation centers in Washington and Wicomico County. Enjoy!

Washington CountyHarpers_Ferry_from_Maryland_Heights_Overlook_Harpers_Ferry

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

One of the most amazing parks in Washington county is undoubtedly the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park. The Harpers Ferry Park includes the memories of various individuals and occasions that impacted the course of our country’s history. Harpers Ferry saw the first fruitful utilization of compatible assembling, the landing of the first effective American railroad, John Brown’s assault on subjection, the biggest surrender of Federal troops amid the Civil War, and the training of previous slaves in one of the most punctual incorporated schools in the United States.

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts displays art collections from various eras. This can be a great opportunity to edify kids about fine arts and the artistic work that has the power to impact young minds.

Wicomico County


Ward Museum of Waterfowl Art

Ward Museum of Waterfowl Art is the most thorough accumulation of wildfowl on the planet. This place is a great option for weekend trips. Your kids can not only enjoy nature, but can also edify themselves about the birds.


Salisbury Zoo

Your children will forget all about the outdoor playground equipment when they visit this next site. Salisbury Zoo is a home for gators, panthers, bears, buffalos and exotic birds. The place is especially enthralling for children between the age group of 3-12.


Adkins Museum and Historical Complex

In Mardela Springs, the Adkins Historical Museum & Complex offers you a voyage through 8 memorable structures and the headstones of a progressive war loyalist and his wife. You will have the opportunity to investigate more than 800 mid-nineteenth century antiquities in plain view in the Brattan-Taylor Village Store and in the Odd Fellows Lodge Hall. You can also visit the stockroom, which was restored in 1991 and now houses an interesting gathering of obsolescent furniture and books.


Famous Hill Mansion

This lovely Federal period villa was constructed around 1800 and is Salisbury Maryland’s most established home. Currently, the Mansion serves as a historical center. The house was initially assembled by Major Levin Handy on a piece of the tract called Pemberton’s Good Will. The Famous Hill Mansion is one of the great many places that are worth visiting with your children.


Pemberton Historical Park

Some places are way better than the playgrounds and their expensive commercial playground equipment and this next place is one of those places. Pemberton Park is situated on Pemberton Drive on the west side of Salisbury, Maryland. The park’s two hundred and sixty two sections of land offer the chance to trek 4.5 miles of Maryland nature trails, enjoy the magnificence of nature and take part in ecological activities.

Do you have a place in mind that we can add to the above list? Do share your opinion through our comment section below.

Tempted to Play More: 3 Ways to Get Your Child Away From the Screen-Based Devices

de2ef3483cab11fc64461cc222481910Is your child aware of the wonders buried under the rocks? The myriad colonies of ants and crawling insects, ready to be explored. How about the breathtaking mallard nest in the flower pot, or the perfect synchronization of the birds flocking together? If you think about it, all of these naturally occurring phenomena around us seem trivial, but if you really think about it, you will come to understand that these happenings contain nature’s most valuable lessons. So if your child is keen on spending his afternoon with a screen-based device, here’s what you can do:

Hide the Tablet

The first and the foremost thing is to get rid of the screen-based devices in the house, especially tablets. Today’s children are easily drawn to the games that are accessible through tablets. So, hide the tablet before you begin your struggle to get your kids outside the door.

Invite Nature Near You

Pets are a great way to engage kids with physical, outdoor activities. If you feel like that you cannot afford to raise a pet, then invite nature into your home. Here are some of the ways that can help you draw nature into your backyard:

  • Build a bird bath; a bird bath is an effective way to draw birds in your backyard.
  • Create a log pile to promote biodiversity; most mammals like to inhabit inside the log piles.
  • Plant clematis against your backyard fence and walls to draw bees.
  • Plant a Malus in your garden to provide food for the wildlife. Malus or ‘Red Jade’ produce crab apples that are a common food source for different mammals and birds.
  • Put up boxes with leaves and nesting straws for birds and bees. Honeybees usually dwell in nesting straws.
  • Cut down on occasional soil digging and let the worms and other insects keep the soil in its natural form.
  • Plant nectar and pollen rich flowers and plants to attract bees.

Encourage your kids to take part in horticulture. Help them learn how to plant and take care of the garden with simple horticulture tools. You do not always have to travel to the nearest playground to have fun; a simple backyard activity can bring loads of fun. Building a tree house is another backyard activity that is both fun-oriented and physically indulging.

Introduce Kids to a Fun-Oriented Outdoor Activity

It is true that today’s outdoor playground equipment is not exactly what we would like to call ‘a tool for healthy physical activity.’ However, we have to make use of what we have. You can engage your children in active play that encourages children to devise a play and use whatever they can find in the playground.

You do not necessarily have to drive or walk your kids to the park; sometimes a simple rope and a tire can be more fun than the expensive commercial playground equipment. Unstructured play activity can offer a whole lot more than video games and children need to know that. So introduce your child to the wonders of active play and help him reach his full potential.

Learning the Art of Risk Taking: Why Our Children Need to Learn to Take Risks

Kids Take RiskDo you think your child has enough self-confidence to accomplish academic success? A recent survey result showed that most parents feel like their children could do better in school, but they are not sure what could be done to make that happen. In this article, we will look at the importance of teaching kids the art of risk taking. Many parents confuse over-confidence with risk-taking. Let’s look into how risk taking can help our kids achieve their future endeavors and how playgrounds can help them make better risk takers.

The Art of Risk Taking

83e328f2847358f11a622f0e56ffa7c3Risk taking does not refer to jumping ahead without considering the consequences; it’s about carefully making way through dangerous steps in order to reach the destination. Schools can only teach risk taking to some extent; the real learning comes from the playgrounds, outdoor playground equipment that provide opportunities for active play, and unstructured play activities. Active play activities allow children to develop strong social skills that help them manage conflicts and make affiliations with other children. In other words, children learn the basics of risk taking.

Why our Children Need to Learn the Art of Risk Taking?

adventure playgroundLearning to take risks is an important component of a child’s overall success in life. Nothing can be achieved without risks, and children need to learn that. What could teach kids better about risk than playgrounds and school playground equipment? Risk taking allows your child to:

  • Gain self-confidence
  • Gain self-reliance
  • Develop enhanced cognitive development skills
  • Develop the power to face rejection and criticism
  • Learn to face fears
  • Develop strong affiliations
  • Have the power to make risky decisions

Research shows that most children who get bullied and face rejection in school lack self-confidence and self-reliance. These children usually never develop strong social skills and fail at academic ventures.

Help your kids learn the most powerful tool for the ultimate success in life—the art of risk taking. When children develop enough confidence to take risks, they develop strong personality that allows them to face any kind of rejection. The power of risk can allow children to build strong perception about the world around them and take actions accordingly.

Indoors vs. Outdoors: What’s Best For Your Child?

Outdoor Vs Indoor

Should our children be allowed more outdoor time than indoor? If you ask overprotective parents, their answer will definitely be ‘indoors.’ Why? Because they believe that outdoor activities can bring forth injuries and child conflicts that they do not want to handle. So, Xbox and other digital devices become the essential part of children’s life. This article will explore what’s really best for our kids, indoor or outdoor activities.

Indoor Activities and their Effect on Children

Most parents find it comforting to rail their kids to one corner of the house with the screen-based device, which keeps them busy for the rest of the day. Do not worry, this will not follow a lengthy speech regarding how bad indoor activities are for your child. However, in fact, not all indoor activities are damaging to your child’s well being; it is the amount of time that is spent on indoor activities. Research shows that children who spend more than 42 hours a week indoors are less mentally active and physically stronger than the kids who spend most of their time outdoors, engaged with old-fashioned outdoor playground equipment.

Indoor activities can include indoor play structures and structured play items and toys. For example, learning toys, puzzles, mind games and other structured playing items are a great way to boost a child’s cognitive development. However, it does not mean that we should deprive children of the essential sunshine that is important for their physical health.

Outdoor Activities and their Effect on Children

School playground equipment or any other play structure for that matter can help your children develop a strong foundation for cognitive and physical health that can help them climb higher in their professional life. Physical activities, especially unstructured physical activities are a great way to enhance your child’s overall vitality. Unstructured play activities include play activities without any strict supervision and book rules.

Just like indoor activities, more than needed outdoor activities can be damaging. The most commonly observed prolonged outdoor activity effects include sun damage, fatigue and muscle tension. Research shows that preschoolers need around 17 hours or more of active play every week. Teenagers, on the other hand, can use around 34 hours of physical activity in a week.
Parents have a great responsibility when it comes to a child’s overall health. To make sure that your child gets the right amount of indoor and outdoor recreation, devise a schedule and stick to it.

Long term exposure to indoor games can only develop some parts of the brain. According to a scientific study, children need both indoor and outdoor activities to have a balanced cognitive and physical health. So, make sure that your child has ample amount of both indoor and outdoor activities.

Share your opinion with us through our comment section below and let us know how you feel about the subject discussed above.


Child Development: Benefits of Movement-based Learning

In most scholastic institutions, physical education is usually separated from the overall academic learning. Research shows that children learn better through games and other physical activities than a classroom setting. Many academic institutions have adopted the strategy of movement-based learning; however, there is still a need for creating awareness regarding the subject. This article will look at the benefits of movement-based learning, so you can develop a better understanding of the subject.

What is Movement-Based Learning?

Before we go any further, first, let’s define what movement-based learning actually is. Movement-based learning refers to the concept that children learn better through movement than a conventional classroom setting. Movement-based learning provides a natural way to the growing minds and bodies to grow and develop skills that are impossible to garner otherwise. Below we will discuss the major benefits of movement-based learning.

Benefits of Movement-Based Learning

Movement based learning offer myriad benefits, some of which include, but are not limited to:

Better Cognitive Functions

Movement-based learning enhances various cognitive functions that include perception, attention, memory, motor skills, language, spatial skills and visual skills, and other executive functions. Executive functions include flexibility, working memory, anticipation, problem solving skills, decision making, emotional and physical self-control, and sequencing, to name a few. Developing a strong cognitive ability is crucial for the overall development and academic success. When children engage in movement-based learning through school playground equipment and physical education class, they develop the enhanced cognitive ability.

Enhanced Muscular Strength

When children engage in movement-based learning, they engage in physical activity, which helps them develop strong muscular strength. Most schools in the United States do not allow more than forty five minutes of break, which is not enough for a 5-6 hour school day. Research shows that children need at least 2 hours of movement-based activity every day. Therefore, movement-based learning can ensure that children get to learn things while they exercise their brains and bodies.

Enhanced Creativity

Outdoor playgroun equipment

Movement-based learning can be acquired through outdoor playground equipment that involves a lot of physical activities. Through physical and active learning, they learn to work with their imagination, which ultimately enhances their creativity.

Recent research shows that children acquire countless skills through active learning and develop a healthier body that contributes towards their overall academic performance in school. So is your child having the right dose of movement-based learning? Share your thoughts and experience with us in the comment section below.

Play Time vs. Screen Time: What’s Better, What’s Worse?

Play Time vs. Screen Time
Did you know that children and adults on average spend around 90 minutes on a physical activity every day and about 140 minutes on a screen-based activity. Research shows that as we are climbing into an advanced digital age, the screen-based activities are escalating significantly and the physical activities are declining. Digital age has brought us a lot of miraculous hi-tech devices that have made things simpler for us, but is it OK to completely neglect our physical well being while we allow our bodies to gradually putrefy in front of the screen?

Look around and see how many screen-based devices you are constantly interacting with throughout your day. You might find a computer, a television, smart phone and other screen-based devices like tablet. How much time do you spend around these devices? Research shows that on average, adults spend more than 17 hours a day on screen-based devices. Children, on the other hand, spend more 6-9 hours in front the television and tablets.

According to a survey result, most children engage in more than 29 hours of sedentary activity that involves around 10 hours of sitting in the crib, baby chair and a sofa. The survey result highlights that the most common sedentary activity is watching television with more than 13 hours a week. Children should have at least of 24 to 39 hours of structured and unstructured play activity with a school playground equipment or simply structured play toys. The screen time should not exceed the 2 hour limit.

The screen time includes watching television and playing video games on tablets or smart phones. Before you hand your child his first smart phone or tablet, make sure that he does not overuse it. Most physical and cognitive development occurs in the early stages of life and if your children put screen time above play time, they might not be able to have a profound growth and development.

The purpose of this discussion is in no way to raise a voice against the digital devices; the mere purpose here is to make you understand that letting your child have more screen time than play time is not a healthy habit. So, for the sake of your child’s development, it is important that you acknowledge the need for more play time with the good old fashioned outdoor playground equipment.
We love to hear from you.

Have something to share? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions about the subject in the comment section below.