Albert Einstein Quotes that You Need to Teach Your Kids

Albert Einstein Quotes

Einstein is one of the biggest influential personality that has inspired a generation of scientists. There is no better way to fuel your child’s creativity than to read him inspirational quotes from Einstien’s life. Below are some of the best quotes collected from the internet for your child’s encouragement. Scroll down to read.

One of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the fetters of one's own ever-shifting desires. A finely tempered nature longs to escap

1. “One of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the fetters of one’s own ever-shifting desires. A finely tempered nature longs to escape from the personal life into the world of objective perception and thought.

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts. (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton

2. “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts. (Sign hanging in Einstein’s office at Princeton)

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence

3. “Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.”

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science.

4. “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.”

A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward afte

5. “A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.”

The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after r

6. “The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge.”

Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

7. “Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.

8. “I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.”

The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility

9. “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.”

Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.

10. “Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.”

Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.

11. “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.”

12. “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.

13. “Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds.”

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

14. “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.

15. “Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.”

Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it.

16. “Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one’s living at it.”

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources

17. “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”

If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut

18. “If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.”

Two things are infinite the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe

19. “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality

20. “As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods

21. “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.”

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

22. “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

23. “In order to form an immaculate member of a flock of sheep one must, above all, be a sheep.”

The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead

24. The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there’s no risk of accident for someone who’s dead.

Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves

25. “Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves.”

26. “Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism; how passionately I hate them!”

No, this trick won't work. How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love

27. “No, this trick won’t work. How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?”

My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind

28. “My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.”

Yes, we have to divide up our time like that, between our politics and our equations. But to me our equations are far more important, for politics are only a matter of present concern. A mathematical equation stands forever.

29. “Yes, we have to divide up our time like that, between our politics and our equations. But to me our equations are far more important, for politics are only a matter of present concern. A mathematical equation stands forever.”

So what do you think? Inspired yet? Share your opinion with us through our comment section below.

Where to Take Your Kids This Weekend?

For the Folks in Washington County and Wicomico County, Maryland

Maryland is full of recreation centers that offer more than recreation; your child can have a place to experiment things with nature and learn myriad social skills on the playgrounds and with commercial playground equipment. In this article, I have accumulated the list of most fascinating recreation centers in Washington and Wicomico County. Enjoy!

Washington CountyHarpers_Ferry_from_Maryland_Heights_Overlook_Harpers_Ferry

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

One of the most amazing parks in Washington county is undoubtedly the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park. The Harpers Ferry Park includes the memories of various individuals and occasions that impacted the course of our country’s history. Harpers Ferry saw the first fruitful utilization of compatible assembling, the landing of the first effective American railroad, John Brown’s assault on subjection, the biggest surrender of Federal troops amid the Civil War, and the training of previous slaves in one of the most punctual incorporated schools in the United States.

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts displays art collections from various eras. This can be a great opportunity to edify kids about fine arts and the artistic work that has the power to impact young minds.

Wicomico County


Ward Museum of Waterfowl Art

Ward Museum of Waterfowl Art is the most thorough accumulation of wildfowl on the planet. This place is a great option for weekend trips. Your kids can not only enjoy nature, but can also edify themselves about the birds.


Salisbury Zoo

Your children will forget all about the outdoor playground equipment when they visit this next site. Salisbury Zoo is a home for gators, panthers, bears, buffalos and exotic birds. The place is especially enthralling for children between the age group of 3-12.


Adkins Museum and Historical Complex

In Mardela Springs, the Adkins Historical Museum & Complex offers you a voyage through 8 memorable structures and the headstones of a progressive war loyalist and his wife. You will have the opportunity to investigate more than 800 mid-nineteenth century antiquities in plain view in the Brattan-Taylor Village Store and in the Odd Fellows Lodge Hall. You can also visit the stockroom, which was restored in 1991 and now houses an interesting gathering of obsolescent furniture and books.


Famous Hill Mansion

This lovely Federal period villa was constructed around 1800 and is Salisbury Maryland’s most established home. Currently, the Mansion serves as a historical center. The house was initially assembled by Major Levin Handy on a piece of the tract called Pemberton’s Good Will. The Famous Hill Mansion is one of the great many places that are worth visiting with your children.


Pemberton Historical Park

Some places are way better than the playgrounds and their expensive commercial playground equipment and this next place is one of those places. Pemberton Park is situated on Pemberton Drive on the west side of Salisbury, Maryland. The park’s two hundred and sixty two sections of land offer the chance to trek 4.5 miles of Maryland nature trails, enjoy the magnificence of nature and take part in ecological activities.

Do you have a place in mind that we can add to the above list? Do share your opinion through our comment section below.